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Excursion «201. Horns of Hittin and Magdala»

Class «Tourist class»
Type Group tour
Language Russian

Catholic Basilica of the Annunciation. Galilee became the cradle of early Christianity and we are going to its origins.
The modern Church of the Annunciation was erected in 1969 and is the largest Catholic church in the entire Middle East.
At the lower level of the church there is a grotto, where, according to legend, the Virgin Mary was located during the annunciation. You should pay attention to the frescoes that have come down to us from the past and miraculously preserved their almost original appearance.
Another unique feature is the frescoes, icons and images of saints donated to the temple from almost all over the world.

Horns of Hittin
- the last day of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Intrigues, the fight for the crown and the main recidivist of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Renaud De Chatillon, led the entire kingdom to collapse. We will learn how Salah ad-Din resolved security issues and proclaimed the first Jihad in history.

True Magdala
Homeland of Mary Magdalene.
The city was destroyed by the Romans during the Great Uprising.
The oldest synagogue is a place where you can point your finger, to the nearest centimeter, where Christ stood and preached!


The entrance ticket is additionally paid on the spot - 17₪.

Departure days

Departure days depend on your departure city


Условия отмены заказа:
При отмене туристом экскурсии менее чем за 3 дня – неустойка 100%, если не приобретена "Страховка от невыезда".
Деньги возвращаются только при условии наличия "Страховки от невыезда".


  • Опоздавшим и не вышедшим на экскурсию деньги не возвращаются.
  • За утерянные вещи фирма ответственности не несет.
  • Не принимаются заявки на экскурсии для детей младше 5 лет
  • Ответственность за наличие индивидуального страхового полиса ложится на туриста.
  • Возможно ожидание туристами автобуса до 30 минут.
  • Компания оставляет за собой право менять время выезда на экскурсию, о чем накануне сообщается туристу.
  • Нет указания мест в автобуcе. Посадка и высадка  осуществляется только в назначенных местах.
  • Посещение святых мест разрешено только в скромной одежде (плечи и колени должны быть закрыты).
  • Экскурсия начинается после санитарно-технической остановки, а до этого происходит трансфер до начала экскурсии.
  • Уровень физической нагрузки: 2/5

Рекомендуем: брать с собой на экскурсию питьевую воду, закрытую обувь (для поднятия на Рога Хиттина).

В стоимость поездки не входит:

  • питание
  • входной билет - 17₪



Nazareth, is the third most important city for Christians after Jerusalem and Bethlehem, here the childhood and youth of Jesus Christ passed. Nazareth got its name from the Hebrew word "netzer" - a branch, although in modern Hebrew this word is not used to denote a branch. Nazareth was first mentioned in the Gospel.
According to archaeological excavations, there used to be an agricultural settlement, where only a few families lived, including the holy family (the Blessed Virgin Mary, Joseph and Jesus Christ). The significant Christian shrine in Nazareth is undoubtedly the grotto of the Annunciation, over which the Temple of the Annunciation was erected. In the vicinity of the city there are: Sepphoris National Park - the parental home of Mary, the remains of the Crusader fortress and other archaeological sites.
It is because of this that Jesus is called “ha-Nozri,” which means Nazarene.

Temple of the Annunciation

Thanks to the Roman emperor Constantine the Great and his mother Elena,  were built churches on the territory of the Holy Land celebrating the main gospel events: the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth.  According to the Christian tradition, Mary lived here exactly when the archangel Gabriel announced the good news about the birth of the messiah, thats why this place it seems to be unique.
The modern church was erected in 1969 and is the largest Catholic church in the entire Middle East. The church consists of two levels, the lower level is the grotto, where, upon giving, was Virgin Mary during the Annunciation. You should pay attention to the frescoes that have come down to us from the past and miraculously preserving their almost original appearance.
In the grotto there is a throne with a marble circle, where the message is written in Latin: "Verbum caro hic factum est" - "Here your word has become flesh."

Carney Hittin

Karnei Hittin

A sacred place for followers of Druzeism, a religion practiced by a group of Arabs living in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria in addition to Israel. It originated in the 10th to 11th centuries CE in Egypt, and its greatest figure is considered by the Druze to be al-Hakim.

West of the Sea of Galilee (or Lake Kinneret) is a hill on which stands a magnificent palace. In one of its rooms the prophet Nebi Shu'ayb found eternal rest. The Druze call Yitro, the father-in-law of the prophet Moses. 

This place is famous for another event. According to legend, in 1187 the Crusaders clashed here in a battle with the Egyptian Sultan Saladin. In this battle, one of the most important relics of Christ's faith, the Life-Giving Cross, was lost.


Magdala is an ancient Galilean city located in modern-day Israel, mentioned in the Bible as the hometown of Mary Magdalene.
