
Extraordinary Tours
Extraordinary Tours
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«Tourist class»
«Business» up to 18 pax
«Premium» up to 8 pax
185. Traveling with the Tanach in his hands

185. Traveling with the Tanach in his hands Promotion

Language: Russian
«Tourist class»
Tel Gezer. The site of the discovery of the first agricultural calendar. Canaanite watchtower. Bronze Age water reservoir. City gates from the time of Solomon. Tel Azeka. Observation point at the site of the battle between David and Goliath. Tel Lachish. In 701 BCE, the second most important city after ...
175₪ 175₪
115. Valley of Elah

115. Valley of Elah Promotion

Language: Russian
«Tourist class»
Visited 9 425 people
First, we will explore the Tel Gezer National Park. It is an ancient city where ongoing excavations are taking place. According to the Bible, the Egyptian pharaoh Shishak, when giving his daughter in marriage to the Israelite king Solomon, bestowed this rich dowry upon her. Wise Solomon fortified and ...
from 230₪ to 451₪ *depends on city and date