Excursion «136. Jerusalem - Via Dolorosa»
The Via Dolorosa, often called the Way of Sorrow, is the final path of Jesus Christ to Golgotha. Condemned to death, he humbly carried his cross to the place of crucifixion. Walking through the winding streets of the Old City, witnessing the bustling life around, one can feel the last moments of Jesus' life.
The Via Dolorosa follows the ancient street known as Via Dolorosa. The places where the exhausted and weakened Jesus made stops on his way are called Stations, which are significant and revered. There are a total of fourteen Stations, each symbolizing events that occurred in the last hours and minutes of Jesus' life.
First Station: The place where Jesus was interrogated and sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate. It used to be a Roman fortress, but now it houses the Al-Omariya School and the Chapel of Condemnation.
Second Station: The Church of the Flagellation - Roman soldiers mocked Jesus, beat him, and then handed him the cross and the crown of thorns, commanding him to proceed to the execution.
Third Station: The place where Jesus fell under the weight of the cross. A small Polish chapel is built at the spot where it happened for the first time.
Fourth Station: The place where the Virgin Mary met her son. The mother of Christ awaited him by the road to see him one last time. This sorrowful encounter is commemorated by the small Armenian Church of the Great Martyr.
Fifth Station: The beginning of the ascent to Golgotha. Roman soldiers, irritated by Jesus' slow pace under the weight of his burden, ordered a passerby - Simon of Cyrene - to carry the cross for him. There is now a Franciscan chapel at the site.
Sixth Station: The chapel at the site of Veronica's house. This kind woman wiped the face of Jesus with her veil. The veil, known as the Veil of Veronica, is now kept in Rome.
Seventh Station: The Judgment Gate of Jerusalem. It was here that the final verdict was read to the accused, indicating that the appeal was impossible. Exhausted Jesus stumbled over the threshold of the gate and fell. A Roman column now marks the spot.
Eighth Station: The meeting with the women of Jerusalem. Jesus predicts the imminent fall of the great city. Now, a Greek chapel of St. Charalampus stands on this site.
Ninth Station: Weakened by the exhausting journey, Jesus, upon seeing the place of crucifixion, fell for the third time. This spot is marked by a Roman column.
The remaining Stations are located inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built on the site of Jesus' tragic execution.
The place where Jesus' clothes were removed is inside the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre.
Thematic excursion - May 11!
Departure days
Departure days depend on your departure city
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При отмене туристом экскурсии менее чем за 3 дня – неустойка 100%, если не приобретена "Страховка от невыезда".
Деньги возвращаются только при условии наличия "Страховки от невыезда".
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- Не принимаются заявки на экскурсии для детей младше 5 лет
- Ответственность за наличие страхового полиса ложится на туриста.
- Возможно ожидание туристами автобуса до 30 минут.
- Возможны незначительные изменения маршрута.
- Компания оставляет за собой право менять время выезда на экскурсию, о чем накануне сообщается туристу.
- Нет указания мест в автобуcе. Посадка и высадка осуществляется только в назначенных местах.
- Посещение святых мест разрешено только в скромной одежде (плечи и колени должны быть закрыты).
- Посещение Кувуклии не гарантировано.
- Экскурсия начинается после санитарно-технической остановки, а до этого происходит трансфер до начала экскурсии.
- Уровень физической нагрузки: 4/5
Рекомендуем: брать с собой на экскурсию питьевую воду, головной убор, солнцезащитные средства, удобную обувь.
В стоимость поездок не входит и оплачивается на месте: питание, если не куплено дополнительно.
At this part of the city located its main attractions are concentrated. In the Old City are the main shrines of three religions: Muslim, Jewish and Christian. There are also several quarters in which Jews, Arabs, Christians and Armenians live. Despite the fact that Armenians also are Christians, separate services are held for them in temples, and they live separately. In the Armenian quarter there are practically no tourist excursions. Everyone can see the stunning monuments of ancient architecture, just a walk through the Old Town. The Tower of David, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the preserved Roman shopping street, the Wailing Wall and many other sights of Jerusalem are open for tourists.
On the way from the Roman praetorium to Calvary passed the mournful path of Jesus Christ. Fourteen forced stops were made along the way, due to circumstances stopping the sad procession, now called stations. Small churches or chapels were built on the site of the first ten stations. The remaining four can be seen in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Having walked along the Way of the Cross, you can see and feel what Jesus had to endure.(In the excursion you will visit the last 5 points)
Church of the Holy Sepulcher (Church of the Resurrection) - the main shrine and place of pilgrimage for all Christians around the world. It is the place of the convergence of the Holy Fire, were Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected.
The Alexandrovskoye Compound complex is a popular tourist destination. It is located in Jerusalem and representing architectural and archaeological monuments.The courtyard is a two-storey building.
A significant part of the territory of the courtyard is the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky. The museum, which contains objects found during archaeological excavations (small glass vessels, Arab coins, clay lamps), is closely adjacent to the Church. The most important exhibits of the museum are chains (chains, fetters, shackles).
The second floor of the courtyard can be accessed by a staircase (made of wood) - on this floor, guests of the courtyard enter the library and archives.
The main part of the Alexandrovsky courtyard is the Threshold of the Judgment Gate - through which the path of Jesus to execution ran. Not far from this place is the famous "eye of a needle" - a narrow spot in the wall.
The courtyard has a terrace with a beautiful panorama of Jerusalem.
St. Anne's Catholic Church is located in the Muslim Quarter of the Old Town, near the Lion's Gate.
St. Anne's Church is dedicated to the parents of the Virgin Mary, St. Joachim and St. Anne, and is located near the birthplace of the Virgin Mary.
According to the common tradition, which is equally adhered to by Orthodox and Catholics, the Virgin Mary was born in the house of Joachim and Anna, which was located in the northeastern part of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is not only the capital of modern Israel, but also a city which, for many centuries, has been the "center of the world" for Jews, Christians and Muslims.
No other city on the planet can compare with it, because only Jerusalem has such a rich spiritual and historical attraction.
- Hotel 1 ($)
- Hotel 2 ($)
- Rally point (₪)
- Rally point 2 (₪)