Excursion «24. Dead Sea, beach Ein Bokek»

Мертвое море
Class «Tourist class»
Type Group tour
Language Russian
Visited 12 810 people

Trip to the well-maintained public beach Ein Bokek at the Dead Sea.

Sun beds (paid), umbrellas (paid), changing rooms, showers.


A trip for a day of rest does not provide guide services!

Departure days

Departure days depend on your departure city


Promotions depend on your departure city

Departures from Shuka are only on Fridays and Saturdays; on weekdays they are available from other stops!

Promotion! On Saturdays

Promotion! On Saturdays

Promotion! On Saturdays

Promotion! On Saturdays

Promotion! On Saturdays

Promotion! On Saturdays

Promotion! On Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotion for Passover (29/04)

Promotion for Passover (29/04)

Promotion for Passover (29/04)

Promotion for Passover (29/04)

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays

Promotional price on Saturdays


Conditions for canceling an order:
If a tourist cancels an excursion in less than 3 days, the penalty is 100%, unless "Insurance against non-departure" is purchased.
Money is returned only if availability of "Insurance against non-departure".


  • People who are late and do not go on the excursion will not receive a refund.
  • The company is not responsible for lost items.
  • Responsibility for having an individual insurance policy falls on the tourist.
  • Tourists may wait up to 30 minutes for the bus.
  • The company reserves the right to change the departure time, which is communicated to the tourist the day before.
  • The company does not sell excursions indicating seats on the bus.
  • We guarantee 4.5 hours of relaxation at the Dead Sea

We recommend: Take with you drinking water, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and swimwear, and rubber shoes for entering the water.


Dead Sea

There are a lot pf names of  Dead Sea. It is often called the “bottom of the world,” because it is located at the lowest point on earth. And in the biblical stories this unusual reservoir is reflected. They say that in the mixture for bonding bricks during the construction of the Tower of Babel, a composition was prepared based on the components contained in the Dead Sea. Used them to strengthen Noah's ark. On the shores of the Dead Sea, an excellent resort area has been created: hotels, motels, health and beauty centers that conduct procedures using sea water and therapeutic mud.

Feedback (9)

Date of excursion: 20.06.2024
, Kfar Saba,

Все понравилось, транспорт был удобным и комфортным

Date of excursion: 23.09.2023
, Khimki,

Все просто замечательно! Мы выбрали отдых на Мертвом море, пляж "Эйн бокек", что не предусматривает услуг гида.Нас собирал Алексей разные группы в разных местах. Но это нисколько не испортило впечатлений от поездки. Алексей очень нам понравился и многое нам рассказал об Израиле. Далее была пересадка. Автобус комфортабельный, сопровождающая очень внимательно ко всем вопросам, возникающим во время поездки. Отдельное спасибо Екатерине все на высшем уровне, запись по е-мейлу - быстрая регистрация по мобильному и оплата. Все на высочайшем уровне. Ну и с погодой очень повезло! Мы не имеем большой опыт путешествий, но могу смело советовать всем путешествовать по Израилю с Атлантис Тревел!

All just great! We chose a vacation on the Dead Sea, Ein Bokek beach, which does not provide the services of a guide. Alexey gathered us in different groups in different places. But this did not spoil the impressions of the trip at all. We liked Alexey very much and told us a lot about Israel. Next came the transfer. The bus is comfortable, the escort is very attentive to all issues that arise during the trip. Special thanks to Ekaterina, everything was at the highest level, registration by e-mail - quick registration by mobile phone and payment. Everything is at the highest level. Well, we were very lucky with the weather! We don’t have much travel experience, but I can confidently advise everyone to travel around Israel with Atlantis Travel!

Date of excursion: 08.07.2023
, Rishon,

Был с вами на мертвом море. Спасибо, все отлично, и сопровождающая София, и водитель Алекс, и конечно же мертвое море. Спасибо!

I was with you at the Dead Sea. Thank you, everything is great, and the accompanying Sofia, and the driver Alex, and of course the Dead Sea. Thank you!