The majestic Hampton Court Palace is closely associated with the eccentric Tudor monarch, Henry VIII. He spent lavishly on magnificent tapestries and paintings, provided a huge court, and pursued the goal of having multiple wives, political power, and dominance over Rome. However, the elegance and romance of the palace owe much to the baroque buildings created by Sir Christopher Wren for the joint monarchs William and Mary in the late 17th century.
Languages of the tour
- Russian
- English
- German
- Spanish
- French
- Tudor kitchens
- Caesar's triumphs
- Private garden
- Royal Chapel
- Hampton Court Gardens
- Excursions in costume
- Labyrinth
- Great Hall
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При отмене туристом экскурсии менее чем за 3 дня – неустойка 100%
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Ответственность за наличие индивидуального страхового полиса ложится на туриста.
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Все личные расходы на покупки, напитки, обеды, входные билеты и т. д.