Excursion «503. Star Reserve. Night tour»

Ночное небо пустыни
Ночное небо пустыни Ночь на горе Пустыня Пустыня
Class «Tourist class»
Type Group tour
Language Russian
Visited 9 602 people

The star reserve is enchanting. Night trip

We will begin our journey with a visit to the grave of Ben Gurion and the observation deck to the Qing Valley.
Exclusively! Let's find out the secret that Ben Gurion kept until his death.

Then the excursion will continue through the Negev Desert.
We will see the all-seeing eye of the desert.
Lunar landscapes, a sense of unreality. As if you are watching a fantastic movie about distant planets, and are not on your home planet Earth.

Mountains not covered with forests, folds of land, incredible geological phenomena. Here you can see firsthand how the Earth's crust moved, how its landscapes were created. And not only geology.

The Negev are amazing stories about the biblical history and plants, and about the development of land by people, which God commanded mankind. There is no analogue to this hiking trail in the Negev desert, which can be used by the whole family.

The end point of the route is the crater (in Hebrew "makhtesh") Mitzpe Ramon. This is an unusual place. The International Dark Sky Association has declared it the International Dark Sky Conservation Area. Mitspe Ramon is the first location in the Middle East to receive this status.
Many countries now share this position and organize dark sky sanctuaries, protected from light pollution. An erosion crater in the Negev Desert is one such site. Here we will be able to admire the clear starry sky, which you will not see anywhere else in the country.
We will have a unique, of its kind, interactive observation of the stars.


Night excursion, only on August 9 and 16!

Departure days

Departure days depend on your departure city


Conditions for canceling an order:
If a tourist cancels an excursion in less than 3 days, there will be a 100% penalty unless "Cancellation Insurance" is purchased.
Money will be returned only subject to availability " Non-departure insurance."

Tourists should arrive at the landing site 10 minutes before the specified time.
• Do not Applications for excursions for children under 5 years are accepted.
• Those who are late and do not go on the excursion will not receive a refund.
• The company is not responsible for lost items.
• Responsibility for having an individual insurance policy falls on the tourist.
• Tourists may wait up to 30 minutes for the bus.
• Minor changes to the route are possible.
• The company reserves the right to change the departure time, which is communicated to the tourist the day before.
• There is no indication of seats on the bus. Boarding and disembarking is carried out only at designated places
• The tour begins after a sanitary stop, and before that there is a transfer before the start of the tour.

We recommend: have 4 liters of water per person, closed, sturdy shoes (sneakers are fine, but not sandals), a flashlight and mosquito repellent, a thick bedding/car mat or folding chairs, and a snack. It can get chilly in the desert at night; it is recommended to take warm clothing with you.

Degree of physical difficulty 4/5.


Negev Desert

The southern part of Israel, occupying most of the country. If you look at a map, the Negev Desert is a triangle turned at an acute angle to the south and rests on the Red Sea. One side of it borders Jordan to the east and the other side borders Egypt to the west. It is an elevated desert plain or highland with scanty vegetation.
The Negev Desert is the most attractive desert in Israel for tourism. It is the largest desert, occupying almost half of the country's territory.

Feedback (2)

Date of excursion: 11.08.2023
, Jerusalem,

Приняли участие в экскурсии Атлантис 11.08.2023. Отличная организация, все прошло строго по плану. Хочу обратить особое внимание на гида. Алекс Брод - настоящее сокровище. Отличная эрудиция, потрясающий юмор и трепетное отношение к каждому туристу. Отдельный респект гиду за наглядную демонстрацию происхождения кратера на примере натурального арбуза, который, в дальнейшем был съеден туристами. Огромное спасибо Вам, Алекс, всегда готовы участвовать в Ваших экскурсиях👍👍👍

Took part in the Atlantis excursion on 08/11/2023. Excellent organization, everything went strictly according to plan. I would like to pay special attention to the guide. Alex Broad is a true treasure. Excellent erudition, amazing humor and reverent attitude towards every tourist. Special respect to the guide for his visual demonstration of the origin of the crater using the example of a natural watermelon, which was later eaten by tourists. Thank you very much, Alex, we are always ready to participate in your excursions👍👍👍

Date of excursion: 14.08.2021
, Ramat Gan,

Большое спасибо за замечательную поездку. Дети были в полном восторге! Особая благодарность нашему водителю Юлиану за его высокий профессиональный уровень, гид Алексей замечательно провёл экскурсию.

Thank you very much for a wonderful trip. The children were absolutely delighted! Special thanks to our driver Julian for his high professional level; guide Alexey made the excursion wonderful.