WALK THROUGH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CITY OF SWITZERLAND — ALUCERNE The Grand Tour, as the final stage in the education and upbringing of young people from the aristocratic families of England, necessarily included a visit to Lucerne, from which the history of the independence of the Swiss Confederation
Lucerne – the pearl of Switzerland, on the shore of an azure lake in the embrace of the mighty Alps. The magical city, which at one time inspired L.N. Tolstoy, Schiller and Goethe. You will not remain indifferent to him, he will forever remain in your heart. For some, Lucerne will seem quite familiar
На маршруте мы увидим памятник Умирающему льву, полюбуемся на лебедей на площади Шваненплац, потом пройдем по закрытому деревянному мосту Капельбрюке, а на противоположной

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