Guided Daily Tours to Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station

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191. Sunset and Stars in the Negev Desert

191. Sunset and Stars in the Negev Desert Promotion

Language: Russian
«Tourist class»
On this day, even the sky disposes to go to the desert and enjoy the moon and the stars!On the 17th, the moon will be 85% visible and will allow you to see the stars. ShivtaWe will visit the ancient city of Shivta.Learn about the Bedouins and their history.Let's get acquainted with the riddle of the ...
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Israel, a nation often associated with ancient history and religious landmarks, is also at the forefront of modern technology and renewable energy. One of the most remarkable testaments to Israel’s innovative spirit is the Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station. This power station is not only an energy project but also a sight of ingenuity and progress.

to Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station

Located in the Negev Desert, the Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station is one of the largest projects of its kind in the world. It is a symbol of Israel's commitment to renewable energy and sustainability. The power station's cutting-edge design and impressive scale make it an interesting destination not just for those interested in renewable energy, but also for visitors who appreciate modern industrial achievements.

The Vision of Ashalim Power Station

The project is part of Israel's vision to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy sources. Israel’s goal is to generate 10% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020, and the Ashalim station is a significant stride towards achieving this target.

Understanding Solar Thermal Energy

Solar thermal power is a technology for harnessing solar energy for thermal energy (heat). The Ashalim station uses mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto a central tower. This heat is then used to produce steam, which drives a turbine that generates electricity. The technology behind this process is both sophisticated and efficient, capable of storing energy for times when the sun is not shining.

Design and Structure

The Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station boasts over 50,000 computer-controlled heliostats or mirrors, which cover an area of approximately 3.15 square kilometers. These mirrors focus the sun’s rays on a 240-meter tall solar tower—the tallest of its kind globally—where the heat is used to create steam and generate electricity.

Environmental Impact

A key aspect of the Ashalim project is its environmental impact. The power station is designed to produce clean energy, significantly reducing carbon emissions compared to fossil fuel-based power plants. This is particularly important for Israel, which is densely populated and vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Innovation and Technology

The technology used in Ashalim is at the forefront of solar energy. It includes a thermal storage system that allows the plant to produce electricity even when the sun is down, providing a reliable source of renewable energy around the clock. This innovation is critical for integrating solar power into the existing electricity grid, which requires a constant and predictable source of energy.

Challenges and Achievements

The construction and operation of the Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station have not been without challenges. Building a project of this scale in the desert presented logistical issues, from transporting materials to managing the workforce in extreme temperatures. Despite these challenges, the station has been successfully completed and is a testament to Israel's commitment to renewable energy.

Impact on the Community

The power station has also had a positive impact on the local community. It has created jobs and provided a boost to the economy in the Negev region. Moreover, it serves as an educational site where students and professionals can learn about renewable energy technologies.

A Tourist Attraction with a Difference

While not a traditional tourist site, the Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station has attracted visitors from around the world. It offers guided tours that provide insight into the functioning of the power station and the science behind solar thermal energy. The sheer scale of the mirror field and the towering presence of the solar tower make for an awe-inspiring sight.

Sustainable Future

The Ashalim project reflects Israel's broader commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. It is part of a growing network of renewable energy projects across the country that showcases Israel's role as a leader in green technology.

Economic Implications

From an economic standpoint, the Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station represents a shift in how nations can achieve energy independence. By investing in renewable energy, Israel is reducing its reliance on imported fossil fuels, which has long-term economic benefits.

Collaboration and International Interest

The Ashalim project has garnered international interest, with various countries looking to Israel's expertise in solar thermal technology. It stands as a model of international collaboration in the renewable energy sector.


The Ashalim Solar Thermal Power Station is more than just a power generation facility; it is a beacon of innovation and progress in Israel. It symbolizes a step towards a sustainable future and is an example of how technology can be harnessed to protect the environment. For visitors, it offers a unique glimpse into the world of renewable energy and the future of industrial development. As Israel continues to expand its renewable energy portfolio, Ashalim will likely remain a significant milestone in the nation's journey towards a greener future.