Guided Daily Tours to Source Ayoub (Job)

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187. Belvoir. Source Ayub. Tamar ba-Kfar

187. Belvoir. Source Ayub. Tamar ba-Kfar Promotion

Language: Russian
«Tourist class»
In the 12th century, the French nobleman Velos found himself in the Jordan River Valley, on the Naftali Plateau, 20 kilometers south of the Sea of Galilee. He initiated the construction of a fortress, which was later named Belvoir. The architectural style featured symmetrical structures, with each wall ...
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Source Ayoub (Job): An Enigma Wrapped in Legend

Amidst the diverse topography and historical richness of Israel lies the enigmatic Source Ayoub, also known as Maqam Nabi Ayyub or Job's Spring. This site, although lesser-known compared to some of Israel's famous landmarks, is deeply rooted in biblical lore, tradition, and captivating narratives that span millennia.

The Legend of Job

Job is a prominent figure in the Hebrew Bible, Quran, and Christian Old Testament. His tale is one of unwavering faith in the face of unparalleled suffering. Job, a prosperous and devout man, loses everything — his wealth, his health, and his children — but never his faith in God. The Book of Job explores profound questions about human suffering, divine justice, and faith. Source Ayoub (Job) is believed by many to be the location where Job endured his trials, and the spring is associated with the moment when God alleviated his afflictions. Local legends state that when Job struck the ground with his staff, a spring emerged, which is now known as Source Ayoub.

Geographical and Environmental Splendor

Situated near the Sea of Galilee, Source Ayoub is a freshwater spring that serves as a haven for both locals and tourists. The spring, with its pristine waters, offers a refreshing respite, especially during the sweltering summers. Surrounded by lush vegetation and the ambient sounds of nature, it's a locale of tranquility and rejuvenation.

Interesting Fact:

The waters of Source Ayoub are believed to possess therapeutic properties. This belief likely stems from the association with Job, whose ailments were alleviated at this very site. While there's no scientific proof of the water's healing prowess, many visitors, over the years, claim to feel revitalized after their visit.

Archaeological Significance

Israel, a crossroads of ancient civilizations, is a treasure trove of archaeological wonders, and the area surrounding Source Ayoub is no exception. Excavations near the spring have unearthed remnants from various epochs, bearing testament to the site's historical relevance and the myriad cultures that have thrived in its vicinity.

Pilgrimage and Spiritual Significance

Given its biblical connection, Source Ayoub holds immense spiritual significance. It's a place where three major world religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — converge in reverence. For many, the site serves as a poignant reminder of Job's unwavering faith in God, making it a popular pilgrimage spot. Visitors to the site often take a moment to reflect on the story of Job, drawing parallels to their personal struggles and seeking inspiration from his tale of perseverance, faith, and eventual redemption.

Cultural Celebrations

The spring's significance extends beyond religious narratives. Every year, local communities gather at Source Ayoub to celebrate with music, dance, and feasting. These festivities are a blend of religious reverence and cultural celebrations, fostering a sense of unity and shared heritage.

Interesting Fact:

While Source Ayoub is intrinsically linked to Job's narrative in popular lore, various cultures and communities have their distinct legends associated with the spring. Each tale, while rooted in its tradition, speaks of hope, faith, and rejuvenation, mirroring the life-giving properties of the spring.

Conservation Efforts

Given its historical, cultural, and environmental significance, there have been concerted efforts to preserve the pristine condition of Source Ayoub. Local authorities and environmentalists work in tandem to ensure that the spring and its surrounding ecosystem remain untouched by the trappings of modernization. Visitors are encouraged to be mindful of their ecological footprint, ensuring that the site can be enjoyed by future generations.


Israel, with its deep historical roots and myriad cultural influences, is replete with sites that captivate the mind and soul. Source Ayoub, with its intertwining tales of faith, resilience, and divine intercession, stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Whether one seeks spiritual enlightenment, historical insights, or simply the rejuvenating embrace of nature, Source Ayoub offers a serene sanctuary, inviting visitors to delve deep into its waters and emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and connection to the past.