Israel is a multicultural country, and perhaps nowhere else in the world will you find such a diverse and vibrant harmony among its people.
Join us on a visit to a settlement where Druze and Circassians live side by side with Israelis, and you will understand what we mean. They are so different, with distinct languages, cultural peculiarities, culinary traditions, and customs, yet they manage to preserve their own unique identities while fostering friendships with their neighbors.
The Druze have inhabited this region for nearly a thousand years, and their village, Daliyat al-Karmel, stands here today. The Druze people warmly welcome guests and offer a glimpse into their culture. Stroll through the streets, listen to authentic music, admire the works of local artisans and craftsmen, and indulge in traditional cuisine at one of the cafes, where dishes are prepared according to their national recipes.
Next, you will visit Nebi Shueib, a place held sacred by the Druze, who treat it with great respect. To honor their traditions, it is advisable to bring a head covering and dress modestly, covering your knees and arms.
Afterward, you will become guests of the Circassian community in Kfar Kama. They became neighbors with the Druze relatively recently, toward the end of the 19th century. The community currently consists of approximately 3,000 people. The experience will be unforgettable, as you can envision a typical scene from the North Caucasus, surrounded by the picturesque landscapes of Israel.
This journey will allow you to witness the coexistence and cultural richness that thrives in Israel, where diversity is celebrated and friendships transcend differences.
Thematic tour!
Departure days
Departure days depend on your departure city
Conditions for canceling an order:
If a tourist cancels an excursion in less than 3 days, there will be a 100% penalty unless "Cancellation Insurance" is purchased.
Money will be returned only subject to availability " Non-departure insurance."
Requests for excursions for children under 5 years old are not accepted.
In order not to break traditions, take a hat with you and dress to cover your knees and arms
Nabi Shuaib
A place sacred to the Druze. Every year they make pilgrimages to this place, in the Tiberias area, to the mountain Karnei Hattina. On its slope is Nabi Shuaib, the burial place of Shuaib, the prophet of the Midianites. It is believed to be the name of the man whom the Bible knows as Jethro. He was Moses' father-in-law and Hitturah (Tzipporah) his father.
Druze Village of Daliyat al-Karmel
This village is unofficially considered the capital of the Druze community, a group of Arabs who follow the Druze faith.
The poetic name of the village translates quite simply. "Daliya" means "a cluster of grapes," and "al-Karmel" refers to the mountain on which the settlement is located. So, "Daliyat al-Karmel" can be translated as "Vineyards on Mount Carmel."
Between Kfar Tavor and Sharon, you will find Kfar-Kama - a place where only Circassians live. It is a village, and it is quite large, with around 3,000 inhabitants. They have preserved their culture and language, which are mandatory subjects in the local school.
If you happen to visit Kfar-Kama, make sure to visit the museum. You have probably heard of one of the most famous Circassian traditions - bride kidnapping. But that's not all there is to it. The staff is always welcoming to guests and will share a wealth of interesting information about their people's other traditions and history.
To delve even deeper into Circassian culture, try to visit during a holiday or on a day off. There is a chance to witness a festival and see the renowned Circassian dances with your own eyes.
Feedback (3)
Благодарю Atlantis Travel за организацию экскурсии в Галилею, которую великолепно провели гид Слава Спектор и водитель Игорь. Особенно впечатлило посещение черкесской деревни. Спасибо!
Благодарю Atlantis Travel за организацию экскурсии в Галилею, которую великолепно провели гид Слава Спектор и водитель Игорь. Особенно впечатлило посещение черкесской деревни. Спасибо!
хочу поблагодарить нашего экскурсовода Славу Спектор и водителя Игоря,которые отлично провели интересную экскурсию.было много интересной информации ,шутки и что не мало важно-хорошее настроение. спасибо большое за хорошо проведённый день.
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