The excursion program of this tour allows participants to expand their knowledge about Jerusalem by exploring the historical layers uncovered by archaeologists and now presented to the city's residents and guests.
Davidson Center Archaeological Park: Excavations at the foot of the Temple Mount, revealing the remains of the Second Temple's destruction.
City of David: An archaeological park in Jerusalem located at the site of the ancient city of Jebus, later known as Jerusalem.
Panorama of the Kidron Valley: The Kidron Valley stretches between the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives, to the east of the Old City. In biblical times, it was also called the "Valley of Jehoshaphat." The valley is revered in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism alike. According to tradition, it is where the trumpet of the archangel will sound, resurrecting the dead for the Day of Judgment.
Western Wall (Wailing Wall): Located in the Old City, it is the holiest site in Judaism. For the Jewish people, it represents memories and prayers for the First and Second Temples, as well as the dream of the Third Temple.
Departure days
Departure days depend on your departure city
Order cancellation conditions:
If a tourist cancels an excursion less than 3 days in advance, the penalty is 100%.
- The company is not responsible for lost items.
- Responsibility for having an individual insurance policy falls on the tourist.
- Visiting holy places is permitted only in modest clothing. Open T-shirts, short shorts and skirts above the knee are not allowed (shoulders and knees must be covered); women must wear a headscarf when entering temples and other holy places.
Bring drinking water, a hat, and sunglasses with you on the excursion.
The cost of trips does not include and is paid on the spot:
- Food
- Paid entrances
At this part of the city located its main attractions are concentrated. In the Old City are the main shrines of three religions: Muslim, Jewish and Christian. There are also several quarters in which Jews, Arabs, Christians and Armenians live. Despite the fact that Armenians also are Christians, separate services are held for them in temples, and they live separately. In the Armenian quarter there are practically no tourist excursions. Everyone can see the stunning monuments of ancient architecture, just a walk through the Old Town. The Tower of David, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the preserved Roman shopping street, the Wailing Wall and many other sights of Jerusalem are open for tourists.
This archaeological park is located on the site wich consedered the place of formation Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This status was given to the city by King David, capturing it in a battle with the Eusebians. Archaeological excavations in these places began a long time ago, but stopped for various reasons. The city of David was literally buried under the mountains of garbage, neglected and abandoned. And only in the second half of the twentieth century, excavations resumed, after which the park was open to tourists. But so far, archaeologists have not stopped working, finding more and more ancient monuments. As part of the excursions, you can explore the ground part of the city and the underground tunnel.
A tourist center, one of the newest in the world, built in the Jerusalem Archaeological Reserve and combining an archaeological exhibition with modern computer equipment.
Jerusalem is not only the capital of modern Israel, but also a city which, for many centuries, has been the "center of the world" for Jews, Christians and Muslims.
No other city on the planet can compare with it, because only Jerusalem has such a rich spiritual and historical attraction.
Feedback (1)
Большое спасибо Диме Шапире, нашему гиду. Эрудиция, четкое разделение общеизвестного - и различных версий; ненавязчивая, но в то же время явная позиция::любовь к Израилю и гордость Страной. Уважение к туристам и постоянная забота о нас. Дима ведет себя как хороший классный руководитель, который готов к любым неожиданностям со стороны своих "недорослей" и при этом не снимает с себя ответственности - за нашу безопасность, за наши здоровье, настроение, прихоти и за успешность экскурсии в целом. Экскурсия со сложной логистикой - со стыковкой-растыковкой автобусов с разных направлений и на разные маршруты. Ни разу автобус не двинулся с места, пока Дима не проверил наличие каждого. И не уехал, пока Дима не убедился, что мы отыскали свой автобус на обратном пути. Я с Димой - второй раз. Занесла его в список любимых гидов.
Many thanks to Dima Shapira, our guide. Erudition, a clear separation of the well-known - and various versions; unobtrusive, but at the same time clear position: love for Israel and pride in the Country. Respect for tourists and constant care for us. Dima behaves like a good class teacher, who is ready for any surprises on the part of his “minors” and at the same time does not relieve himself of responsibility - for our safety, for our health, mood, whims and for the success of the excursion as a whole. An excursion with complex logistics - with connections and unconnections of buses from different directions and to different routes. The bus never moved until Dima checked the presence of everyone. And he didn’t leave until Dima was sure that we had found our bus on the way back. I'm with Dima for the second time. I added him to my list of favorite guides.
- Hotel 1 ($)
- Hotel 2 ($)
- Rally point (₪)
- Rally point 2 (₪)