Seasonal excursion "Migratory birds of the Hula Valley".
Hula Nature Reserve is a unique wildlife area, home to many animals, birds, and fish. Hula is a stopping place for migratory birds. Here you can see storks, pelicans, cormorants, sea eagles, herons, cranes - more than 200 species of birds in total.
The final stage of the trip will be a tasting of the winery's liqueurs at Kibbutz Amiad.
Kibbutz Amiad is a fruit grower and has a small winery that makes a variety of liqueurs from everything except grapes. Here you can taste many different delicious "tinctures": black currant, raspberry, cherry, milk, chocolate, and even condensed milk. In the company store, you can buy your favorite liqueur for yourself or a gift.
Mezad Ateret
In literature, the fortress is known as Le Chastellet (fr. Small castle).
The Hebrew name Metsad Ateret (מצד עתרת) - "fortress of abundance" - is, apparently, a distortion of the Arabic Qasr al-Atra, meaning something like "fortress of defeat".
Unlike many other former Crusader fortifications, the ruins remained largely intact.
Seasonal excursion. Only on November 19th!
Departure days
Departure days depend on your departure city
Order cancellation conditions:
If a tourist cancels an excursion in less than 3 days – the penalty is 100%, if rescheduled – span> 50%.
- Tourists should arrive at the boarding point 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time. strong>
- People who are late and do not go on the excursion will not receive a refund.
- Requests for excursions for children under 5 years old are not accepted.
- The company is not responsible for lost items.
- Responsibility for having an individual insurance policy falls on the tourist.
- Tourists may wait up to 30 minutes for the bus.
- Minor changes to the route are possible.
- The company reserves the right to change the departure time for the excursion, which is communicated to the tourist the day before.
- The company does not sell excursions indicating seats on the bus.
- Physical activity level: 4/5
We recommend:
Bring drinking water, a hat, sunglasses, comfortable shoes and a picnic lunch with you on the excursion.
For an additional fee, you can rent a bicycle, golf cart, and binoculars on site.
Hula Valley
This place is named after the lake that occupies the heart of the valley. In ancient times, during the Talmudic era, it was considered a sea, one of the seven that wash the Holy Land.
The northern part of the Hula Valley is punctuated by three waterways. Here flow the tributaries of the Jordan: the Snir, the Banias and the Dan, which later join their beds.
There are many swampy areas in the valley. They were created because of the large amount of water and the separation of this place from the surrounding area. Volcanic activity has created an isolated pool here.
Feedback (4)
Ездили с экскурсаводом Алексеем.Очень эрудированный гид,культурный,очень интересно рассказывает.Редко сегодня встретишь такого интересного,и общительного гида,с чувством юмора.Отлично провели время с ним.На любой вопрос всем терпеливо отвечал.Помогал в любой ситуации.Большое спасибо.Побольше бы таких гидов .Леша гид от бога.Профессионал в своем деле.Работает от всей души
We went with a guide Alexey. A very erudite, cultured guide, he talks very interestingly. It’s rare today to meet such an interesting and sociable guide with a sense of humor. We had a great time with him. He patiently answered every question. He helped in any situation. Thank you very much. We wish there were more guides like this. Lesha is a God-given guide. He’s a professional in his field. He works with all his heart.
Спасибо за экскурсию, природа великолепная, получила огромное удовольствие. Израиль не перестаёт удивлять своими красотами, разнообразием природы. Долина Хула, ферма форели, вкуснейший кофе на оливковой маслобойне, там же купленные вкуснейшие и полезнейшие травяные чаи, приятное общение с людьми - всё это даёт драгоценные воспоминания
Thank you for the excursion, the nature is magnificent, I really enjoyed it. Israel never ceases to amaze with its beauty and diversity of nature. Hula Valley, a trout farm, delicious coffee at the olive oil mill, delicious and healthy herbal teas bought there, pleasant communication with people - all this gives precious memories
Замечательная экскурсия, очень интересная и познавательная...Хорошо организованная... отличный экскурсовод Игорь,профессионал . ...Знаток истории Израиля, обладает обширными знаниями и с чувством юмора... спасибо вам большое! Буду стараться и дальше заказывать у вас экскурсии и ездить со своими детьми, которые уже израильтяне, у них масса впечатлений, впереди много интересного .
A wonderful excursion, very interesting and informative... Well organized... excellent guide Igor, a professional. ...An expert on Israeli history, with extensive knowledge and a sense of humor... thank you very much! I will try to continue to book excursions from you and travel with my children, who are already Israelis, they have a lot of impressions, there are a lot of interesting things ahead.