Our path will pass through the Judean Desert. Then we will visit the extraordinary reserve of Ein Gedi – the real oasis in these desert lands. You will see the creek and waterfall of David, the ancient synagogue, the mineral spring and much more.
And then we will head to Ein Bokek Beach. This is a well-maintained public beach at the Dead Sea. The beach is equipped with showers and changing rooms.
At the end of the tour, we will visit the Dead Sea cosmetics store, where you can make very profitable and useful purchases.
Be sure to bring hats and drinking water with you. If you have health restrictions, check with your doctor in advance if you can take the excursion.
Entrance ticket to the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve.
Swimming at Ein Bokek beach is provided.
Departure days
Departure days depend on your departure city
Conditions for canceling an order:
If a tourist cancels an excursion in less than 3 days, there will be a 100% penalty unless "Cancellation Insurance" is purchased.
Money will be returned only subject to availability " Non-departure insurance."
- People who are late and do not go on the excursion will not receive a refund.
- Requests for excursions for children under 5 years old are not accepted.
- The company is not responsible for lost items.
- Responsibility for having an individual insurance policy falls on the tourist.
- Tourists may wait up to 30 minutes for the bus.
- The company reserves the right to change the departure time, which is communicated to the tourist the day before.
- The company does not sell excursions indicating seats on the bus.
- The tour begins after arrival at the Dead Sea, and before that there is a transfer before the start of the tour.
The cost of trips is not included and is paid on the spot:
- Food.
We recommend: Take drinking water, a hat, sunscreen and swimwear, and rubber shoes for entering the water with you on the excursion. When visiting the reserve, sports shoes are required.
Additional information: swimming on the Dead Sea beach is provided.
There are a lot pf names of Dead Sea. It is often called the “bottom of the world,” because it is located at the lowest point on earth. And in the biblical stories this unusual reservoir is reflected. They say that in the mixture for bonding bricks during the construction of the Tower of Babel, a composition was prepared based on the components contained in the Dead Sea. Used them to strengthen Noah's ark. On the shores of the Dead Sea, an excellent resort area has been created: hotels, motels, health and beauty centers that conduct procedures using sea water and therapeutic mud.
The beauty and extraordinary history of this oasis, located in the heart of the Judean Desert, has attracted the attention of tourists for centuries. Situated along the coast of the Dead Sea, the National Reserve - Ein Gedi Park is a unique place - an exciting story hides behind every favorite route for tourists. This area was first inhabited about 5000 years ago - in those days, an oasis in the middle of the Judean Desert became a refuge for the future King David, who was hiding here from the distraught King Saul, who wanted to kill him, and Jewish rebels from Jerusalem - from the Roman oppressors.
Feedback (5)
Хочу поблагодарить за сегодняшнюю поездку нашего замечательного гида Рину Кофман и водителя, к сожалению имя не запомнила.Организация поездки была на высшем уровне-нас Рина встретила утром на остановке до приезда автобуса,чтобы распределить нас до приезда автобуса и мы потом не тратили время на это.Это впервые я встречаю, обычно гид приезжает с автобусом.Дальше-нам несколько раз были обьявлены фамилии,кто где выходит и четко проговаривалось время возвращения в автобус и место нахождения автобуса.Поэтому все своевременно приходили и мы сегодня быстрее вернулись домой,хотя с пляжа выехали в 15.00,как обычно.Водителю огромное спасибо за профессионализм.Очень много полезной и интересной информации нам давалось в основном в автобусе, во время поездки.В заповеднике тоже мы услышали много интересного чувствовали заботу к себе от гида, которая постоянно нас считала и боялась растерять.я впервые была в этом заповеднике, очень понравилось, шикарное место для отдыха.Но неплохо было бы, если бы мы смогли находиться там дольше, очень не хотелось уходить от водопада.Это желание было и у других туристов, не только у меня.Сразу оставлю благодарность гиду Вере, фамилию не спросила, с ней я ездила в Латрун 6.08.Очень много интересной информации мы получили от этого замечательного гида, обстановка была в коллективе потрясающая ,благодаря чувству юмора этой замечательной женщины.Я очень люблю поездки с компанией Атлантис потому,что у вас работают действительно профессионалы ,которых хочется слушать часами.
I would like to thank our wonderful guide Rina Kofman and the driver for today’s trip, unfortunately I don’t remember the name. The organization of the trip was at the highest level - Rina met us in the morning at the stop before the bus arrived, to distribute us before the bus arrived and then we didn’t waste time on it .This is the first time I’ve met, usually a guide comes with a bus. Next, we were announced several times the names of who was getting off where and the time of returning to the bus and the location of the bus were clearly stated. Therefore, everyone arrived on time and we returned home faster today, although from the beach We left at 15.00, as usual. Many thanks to the driver for his professionalism. We were given a lot of useful and interesting information mainly on the bus, during the trip. In the reserve, we also heard a lot of interesting things, we felt cared for by the guide, who constantly considered us and was afraid to get confused. It was my first time in this reserve, I really liked it, it was a gorgeous place to relax. But it would be nice if we could stay there longer, I really didn’t want to leave the waterfall. Other tourists had this desire, not just me. I’ll immediately leave my gratitude to the guide Vera, I didn’t ask for her last name, I went with her to Latrun on August 6. We received a lot of interesting information from this wonderful guide, the atmosphere in the team was amazing, thanks to the sense of humor of this wonderful woman. I really love trips with the Atlantis company because that your employees are truly professionals whom you want to listen to for hours.
Огромное спасибо нашему гиду Екатерине,за замечательную поездку,ее профессионализм и доброжелательность,достойны похвалы,спасибо Атлантису. Обязательно поедем снова
Доволен отдыхом.Особо хочу отметить чувство такта Катерины её безграничное терпение.А глубокие познания в истории и географии мёртвого моря порой просто потрясают!Медицинские советы помогли преодолеть ряд неприятных заболеваний ...Спасибо Катя!!!!
- Hotel 1 ($)
- Hotel 2 ($)
- Rally point (₪)
- Rally point 2 (₪)