Duration 2 days
Movement Bus-pedestrian
Type Group
Guide Live Guide
Entry tickets Payment on the spot

Cappadocia is an amazing place that is not accurately depicted on a geographical map. The name, inherited from antiquity, embodies a rich history. Millions of years ago, a unique landscape of rock formations resembling mushrooms and sculptures of various shapes and colors was formed here. Local legends claim that this is the habitat of fairies. Every city in Cappadocia is a picturesque open-air museum full of secrets and mysteries.

Languages of the tour

  • Russian


 Программа «КРАСНОГО ТУРА»
   • Подножие Крепости Учхисар
   • Музей под открытым небом
   • Посещение розовой долины и скальной церкви Иоанна Крестителя в деревне Чавушин
   • Обед в ресторане турецкой кухни
   • Визит в Аванос — центр гончарства и ковроткачества
   • Долина Фей в Пашабаг
   • Долина Деврент
   • Поездка в Ургюп, где находятся символ Каппадокии «Три Красавицы»
   Воскресенье «Зеленый тур»,Свободное время, Трансфер в Стамбул
   • Программа «ЗЕЛЕНОГО ТУРА» :
   • Подземный город Каймаклы
   • Каньон Ыхлары, пешая прогулка 4 км
   • Обед в ресторане турецкой кухни
   • Церковь Ала
   • Долина Голубей
   • Мастерская камней
   • Крепость Учхисар


If a tourist cancels an excursion less than 3 days in advance, the penalty is 100%


Uchisar Fortress

Uchisar Fortress, Cappadocia

Devrent Pasabag Valley

Devrent Pasabag Valley, Cappadocia

  • fairy chimneys that resemble animal figures

Valley of Pigeons

Valley of Pigeons, Cappadocia


Cappadocia, a unique natural and historical region in Turkey, impresses with its land formations called nature's fireworks. These rock formations, created by natural forces, offer amazing scenery and cave settlements. Excursions in Cappadocia allow guests to stroll through amazing valleys, take hot air balloon rides, explore underground cities and enjoy the architectural wonders of early Christian churches carved into the rocks. Pink valleys, volcanic formations and many historical monuments create the unique appearance of this place, attracting tourists from all over the world.