Through the castles of the Loire Valley

Duration 12 hours
Movement Bus-pedestrian
Type Group
Guide Live Guide
Entry tickets Payment on the spot

Присоединитесь к нашей захватывающей экскурсии на целый день по величественным замкам Луарской долины! В течение 12 часов мы отправимся в увлекательное путешествие, включающее посещение замков Шенонсо и Амбуаз, где история переплетается с архитектурным великолепием.

Особенный момент экскурсии - посещение винных погребов с дегустацией изысканных местных вин, погрузившись в атмосферу французского виноделия. Завершит наше путешествие великолепный замок Шамбор, который мы рассмотрим снаружи, восхищаясь его величественной архитектурой и красотой. Узнайте историю и волшебство Луарской долины вместе с нами!


Languages of the tour

  • Russian


If a tourist cancels an excursion less than 3 days in advance, the penalty is 100%


Amboise Castle
Amboise Castle

Amboise Castle is a majestic structure in the historical Loire region, located near the city of Amboise in France. This castle has a rich history and served as the residence of many French monarchs, including Charles VIII and Francis I. Inside the castle you can see luxurious royal apartments, halls with exquisite furniture and works of art. Particularly impressive is the Charles VIII Terrace, which offers a magnificent view of the Loire River.

Palace of Chambord
Palace of Chambord

Chambord Palace is a magnificent architectural wonder in the heart of the Loire Valley in France. Built in the 16th century by order of Francis I, this palace is a unique combination of Renaissance and Gothic styles. One of the most amazing features of Chambord is its architectural design with an abundance of towers, domes and lancet windows. The palace is surrounded by extensive parks where guests can enjoy the beauty of nature.

Chenonceau Palace
Chenonceau Palace

Chenonceau Palace is a magnificent castle building located in the Loire Valley in France. This castle, also known as the "Castle dame", is one of the most beautiful and famous castles in all of France. Chenonceau has been built and modernized by various owners over the centuries, and its architectural style combines Renaissance and Gothic elements. The castle spans the Cher River, which gives it a unique and impressive appearance.