This levada, according to the rating, is one of the ten best levadas in Madeira.
Levada can be completed in two versions, easy, but less picturesque, or more difficult, but much more beautiful. In the first option, this is a return levada, on a flat road, without elevation changes, with a length of approximately
2 km. one way, which endsLake Lagoa D.Beijawith a small but very beautiful waterfall, in our opinion, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Madeira.
In the second option, the same as in the first, on a flat road without elevation changes You reachLagoa D.Beija, admire thewaterfalland gain strength, because the next part of the route will not be so easy. Here you will find a large number of descents and ascents, however, the beauty of the surrounding nature fully compensates for all these inconveniences. This part of the route will be approximately 3 km. Walking along this levada, you will see a branch along which you can get to another levada, which will lead you to the waterfall on the lake of the wind (Lagoa do Vento). K The levada Lagoa do Vento leads to a fairly steep descent, and then an equallysteep ascent awaits you. People suffering from pressure changes should not walk along this levada
This is a simple levada, along a wide, flat road, without elevation changes, which ends in a large beautiful waterfall.
Languages of the tour
- Russian
Conditions for order cancellation:
If a tourist cancels an excursion less than 3 days in advance - a 100% penalty
Lunch is not included in the price,
Lunch ( with a glass of wine) - 15-20 Euro per person.

Madeira is a beautiful and unique island that is an autonomous region of Portugal and is located in the Atlantic Ocean.
Madeira has a rich cultural heritage of mixed Portuguese and local traditions. Numerous festivals and celebrations are held throughout the year, including the carnival, which is considered one of the most vibrant and exciting in Europe.