Utopia Park, the Ralli Museum, Park Rothschild.
Botanical Gardens Utopia is the park of orchids, cactuses and butterflies, man-made caves, utopian paradise, the atmosphere of a tropical rain forest.
There are cells with multicolored parrots and other exotic birds. A living area with spotted deers and several lawns with sculptures of animals made of bushes and trees.
The Ralli Museum is a private museum of fine arts. Specially built building where constant and temporary picture exhibitions painted by the artists from all over the world were arranged according to the tastes of the owners. Second floor gallery presents Salvador Dali masterpieces.
The Ramat Hanadiv park is named after Baron Rothschild. Amazing gardens are around Baron Rothschild family crypt. One can find himself on points of view with breathtaking landscapes of Carmel sea shore, ancient villa, a cave and a spring, a palace and a lot of other attracting places of interest.
Entrance ticket to Utopia Park.
Rothschild's grave is closed in Rothschild Park.
Departure days
Departure days depend on your departure city
Conditions for canceling an order:
If a tourist cancels an excursion in less than 3 days, the penalty is 100%, unless "Insurance against non-departure" is purchased.
Money is returned only if availability of "Insurance against non-departure".
- People who are late and do not go on the excursion will not receive a refund.
- The company is not responsible for lost items.
- Requests for excursions for children under 5 years old are not accepted.
- Responsibility for having an individual insurance policy falls on the tourist.
- The company reserves the right to change the departure time for the excursion, which is communicated to the tourist the day before.
- The company does not sell excursions indicating seats on the bus.
We recommend: Bring drinking water, a hat, sunglasses, and comfortable shoes with you on the excursion.
The cost of trips is not included and is paid on the spot:
- Food.
The relatively new Museum of Contemporary Latin American Art Rally, located in Caesarea (founded in the last decade of the twentieth century), is a popular destination for tourists. The museum is 700 square meters located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in a park area. The aim pursued by the founders of the museum is to draw people's attention to the visual art of Latin America. Four such museums have already been opened in the world today. Each of them exists without a commercial connotation, that is, admission here is free (which greatly expands the circle of visitors), and the museum has no cafes, no retail outlets, or souvenir shops. Also, on the way to the museum building, guests will enjoy a walk through a cozy courtyard, which contains many sculptures (including sculptures by Salvador Dali) and fountains.
Not far from Zikhron Yaakov (large settlement) is a park built and named after Baron Rothschild. In the depths of the park is the tomb of the baron and his wife.
Entrance to the park is free. The vast territory of the park is well-groomed and equipped. Walking along the paved paths, it is pleasant to admire a variety of plants: here you will find palm trees, acacia trees, and a huge number of beautiful roses in different shades. The park has many neat lawns and small trimmed bushes, there are small artificial waterfalls, as well as man-made ponds, in which there are a lot of lilies and goldfish.
One part of the park called the “Garden of Smells” is specially equipped for blind people. A large number of medicinal plants grow here, publishing pleasant aromas. Near each plant is a tablet with a description in several languages (including Braille).
Utopia was opened in 2006, and it has already become one of the favorite vacation spots for both Israelis and guests. The most convenient way to get here is from Netanya - the park is located very close.
At 40 thousand square meters here is a gigantic collection of a variety of plants. Among them are many unusual - exotic and even predators. And also orchids, replete with flowers and shades, and a separate area dedicated exclusively to roses.
Utopia is not a botanical garden. There is a small animal park where you can admire colorful peacocks, important pheasants, listen to noisy parrots, meet ostriches and sika deer. And then relax, watching the waterfalls and the singing fountain. Go around it: the backlight is different on all sides. After that, refresh yourself at a local cafe, and then welcome to the vibrant green mazes! There are two of them here.
Guests who are brought to the park by a love of nature, on the way back, drop in a shop located at the entrance. It has a good selection of garden care tools, as well as plants, especially orchids, of which there are so many in Utopia.
Feedback (11)
Прекрасная экскурсия, замечательные водители, превосходная безупречная гид Илана!
Впечатление, что побывали в трёх разных местах, объединенных идеей какого-то другого, параллельного мира по сравнению с обыденной нашей реальностью. Парк Ротшильда изумительный, прекрасная зеленая масса растений создаёт ландшафт, который можно фотографировать из любой точки, поворачиваясь вокруг своей оси. И сколько там всего разного, что можно разглядывать, сколько цветов и птиц - были чудные сойки, и очень удачные в парке горизонтальные стенды, если можно так назвать, с информацией о людях, которые исторически связаны с парком. В Ралли вечно не хватает времени на оба здания, на всего Дали, что там выставлен, и на остальные картины и скульптуры, и уходить оттуда категорически не хочется. Экскурсий в самом музее не бывает (не разрешаются), но это ничего не ухудшает. Если есть человеческое любопытство, есть и кайф как новизны ощущений, так и встречи с ранее знакомым: экспонаты меняются, добавляются, а я там сегодня была уже в третий раз. "Утопия" - это хорошо структурированный парк, в котором бродишь и радуешься, потому что от орхидей переходишь к птицам, потом видишь большие и маленькие кактусы, потом тебе дают подержать на руках крольчонка и мимиметр ломается, потом оказываешься в конструкции вроде теплицы, полной летающих бабочек, их всего два вида, но количество огромное, и вот ходишь среди них, иногда даже делая удачные фотографии. Хочется поблагодарить нашего экскурсовода Рину Кофман, это же она нам так показала всё, что сложилось впечатление волшебной поездки.
The impression that we visited three different places, united by the idea of some other, parallel world compared to our everyday reality. Rothschild Park is amazing, a beautiful green mass of plants creates a landscape that can be photographed from any point, turning around its axis. And there are so many different things there that you can look at, how many flowers and birds - there were wonderful jays, and very successful horizontal stands in the park, if you can call it that, with information about people who are historically associated with the park. In the Rally, there is always not enough time for both buildings, for all the Dali that is exhibited there, and for the rest of the paintings and sculptures, and you absolutely don’t want to leave there. There are no excursions in the museum itself (not allowed), but this does not worsen anything. If there is human curiosity, there is also a thrill from both the novelty of sensations and the meeting with something previously familiar: exhibits change, are added, and today I was there for the third time. "Utopia" is a well-structured park in which you wander and enjoy, because from orchids you move on to birds, then you see large and small cacti, then they let you hold a baby rabbit in your arms and the mimemeter breaks, then you find yourself in a structure like a greenhouse full of flying butterflies, there are only two species, but the number is huge, and you walk among them, sometimes even taking good photographs. I would like to thank our guide Rina Kofman, she was the one who showed us everything so that we got the impression of a magical trip.
Дорогие Атлантис тур. Огромный восторг и благодарность за сегодняшний день. Было восхитительно и в этом большая заслуга гида Рины. Было много интересной информации и хорошего распределения времени и сил. Рина эрудированный и приятный гид и собеседник. 10000 спасибо от всей души!
Dear Atlantis Tour. Great delight and gratitude for today. It was amazing and this is a great merit of the guide Rina. There was a lot of interesting information and good distribution of time and effort. Rina is an erudite and pleasant guide and interlocutor. 10000 thanks from the bottom of my heart!
- Hotel 1 ($)
- Hotel 2 ($)
- Rally point (₪)
- Rally point 2 (₪)