Excursion «512. Christmas in Nazareth»

Class «Tourist class»
Type Group tour
Language Russian
Visited 9 434 people

This is an exciting journey through the holy places of Northern Israel, imbued with an atmosphere of majestic Christmas magic. During the day, you will visit several key sites of historical and religious significance to the Christian world.

The tour begins with a visit to the city of Nazareth, which is an ancient and holy place associated with the childhood and youth of Jesus Christ. Stroll through the narrow streets, breathing in the atmosphere of antiquity. Visit the Basilica of the Annunciation, built on the site where the Archangel Gabriel is believed to have announced her pregnancy to the Virgin Mary. The splendor of the architecture of this sacred temple is awe-inspiring.

Then the excursion goes toCana of Galilee, the place where Jesus performed his first miraculous sign, turning water into wine at a wedding. Here you can feel the magic of this event.

Then we arrive at Orthodox Capernaum, the ancient city that served as the home of Jesus during his ministry. Here you can explore the archaeological excavations and understand the importance of this place for history and religion.

The excursion continues to the Mount of Beatitudes, where, according to legend, Jesus preached the beatitudes to the people. From the top of the mountain you will have a magnificent view of the surrounding area, and you will be able to enjoy moments of tranquility while being in the place where, according to the Bible, the greatest moral teachings were spoken.

Completing the tour, head to the Jordan River, to a place known as Yardenit. It was in the sacred waters of this river that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. If you wish, you can take part in a bath in the Jordan River, feeling a connection with biblical events.

The whole path is a unique opportunity to walk through holy places, reviving ancient scenes from the Bible. This excursion combines religious immersion and cultural enrichment, making the trip an unforgettable experience during the magical period of Christmas.


Seasonal excursion!

Departure days

Departure days depend on your departure city


Conditions for canceling an order:
If a tourist cancels an excursion in less than 3 days, there will be a 100% penalty unless "Cancellation Insurance" is purchased.
Money will be returned only subject to availability " Non-departure insurance."


  • Tourists should arrive at the boarding point 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time.
  • Those who are late and do not go on the excursion will not receive a refund.
  • The company is not responsible for lost items.
  • Responsibility for having an individual insurance policy falls on the tourist.
  • Tourists may wait up to 30 minutes for the bus.
  • Minor changes to the route are possible.
  • The company reserves the right to change the departure time for the excursion, which is communicated to the tourist the day before.
  • The company does not sell excursions indicating seats on the bus.
  • Visiting holy places is permitted only in modest clothing.
  • The excursion begins after a sanitary stop, and before that there is a transfer before the start of the excursion.
  • Physical activity level: 3/5

We recommend: Take drinking water with you on the excursion water, comfortable shoes.

The cost of trips does not include and is paid on the spot: meals



Nazareth, is the third most important city for Christians after Jerusalem and Bethlehem, here the childhood and youth of Jesus Christ passed. Nazareth got its name from the Hebrew word "netzer" - a branch, although in modern Hebrew this word is not used to denote a branch. Nazareth was first mentioned in the Gospel.
According to archaeological excavations, there used to be an agricultural settlement, where only a few families lived, including the holy family (the Blessed Virgin Mary, Joseph and Jesus Christ). The significant Christian shrine in Nazareth is undoubtedly the grotto of the Annunciation, over which the Temple of the Annunciation was erected. In the vicinity of the city there are: Sepphoris National Park - the parental home of Mary, the remains of the Crusader fortress and other archaeological sites.
It is because of this that Jesus is called “ha-Nozri,” which means Nazarene.

Cana of Galilee

It is a small Arab settlement. Here happened a miracle known to us from the biblical story , created by Jesus - at the wedding, he turned water into wine, deciding to help the newlyweds at the request of the Mother. Now on this place is the Catholic Temple of the Lord’s wedding. It is believed that the marriages concluded in this Temple are the strongest and happiest. Also in Cana of Galilee you can see the Church of St. George the Victorious and the Church of the Holy Apostle Bartholomew.

Mount of Beatitudes

Israel is a country where, at almost every step, you can see one or another attraction preserved from biblical times. Mount of Beatitudes is the place where Jesus once delivered his Sermon on the Mount, consisting of several parts. Each of them began with the word "blessed." From this came the name of the mountain. In the first half of the 20th century, according to the project of Antonio Barluzzi, the Church of the Sermon on the Mount was built there. It is notable for the fact that instead of stained glass windows from which you can see the places where Jesus once passed.

Temple of the Annunciation

Thanks to the Roman emperor Constantine the Great and his mother Elena,  were built churches on the territory of the Holy Land celebrating the main gospel events: the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth.  According to the Christian tradition, Mary lived here exactly when the archangel Gabriel announced the good news about the birth of the messiah, thats why this place it seems to be unique.
The modern church was erected in 1969 and is the largest Catholic church in the entire Middle East. The church consists of two levels, the lower level is the grotto, where, upon giving, was Virgin Mary during the Annunciation. You should pay attention to the frescoes that have come down to us from the past and miraculously preserving their almost original appearance.
In the grotto there is a throne with a marble circle, where the message is written in Latin: "Verbum caro hic factum est" - "Here your word has become flesh."


As  known, Jesus was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River. That is why Christians from different parts of the world want to plunge into this river, and some want to perform the rite of baptism here. For this, the government of Israel was equipped with a special complex called Yardenit. The Yardenit complex is a calm backwater at the source of the sacred Jordan River. This place is equipped with everything necessary for the convenience of visitors. There are showers, locker rooms, and pedestrian walkways that make it convenient to approach the water. In addition, on the territory of the complex there are small shops where it is possible to purchase souvenirs or cosmetics from Israel, as well as special water containers for Jordan.

No one will remain hungry, because in the complex there is a restaurant with a large selection of dishes.

Church of the Apostles

the Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles is the Greek Temple of  and the monastery of the Greek Orthodox Church. According to legend, the temple stands in place of the house where the Lord healed paralysis.



The New Testament calls Capernaum the birthplace of the four apostles of Christ: Andrew, Peter and the brothers John and James.

Capernaum was located near Tabgha (5 km), on the northwestern shore of Lake Kinneret, known in the Gospels as the Sea of ​​Galilee .

Jordan River

Jordan is a river in the Middle East, considered being one of the most sacred rivers in the world.

Jordan originates at the foot of the Mount Hermon, flows through the Sea of Galilee, and runs into the Dead Sea. In its downstream it represents a natural border between Israel and Jordan.


Jordan is frequently mentioned in the Bible. According to the Old Testament, the Jewish people with Joshua crossed Jordan on dry land while its waters parted by miracle, thus completing the forty-year-long wandering of the Jews in the desert. Later, according to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was baptized in the waters of this river.

Feedback (1)

Date of excursion: 21.12.2019
, Bat yam,

Здравствуйте! Хотела бы поблагодарить компанию Атлантис за организацию такой тур поездки. Все было очень хорошо организованно, гид Игорь все интересно рассказывал ,доступно объяснял,переживал за каждого человека чтоб никто не потерялся по дороге.Все было замечательно!!! Так же был водитель автобуса Ауад благодаря которому мы не стояли а пробках на обратном пути из Назарета,прекрасный водитель. Спасибо.

Hello! I would like to thank the Atlantis company for organizing such a tour trip. Everything was very well organized, the guide Igor told everything interestingly, explained it clearly, worried about each person so that no one would get lost on the road. Everything was wonderful!!! There was also a bus driver, Aouad, thanks to whom we were not stuck in traffic jams on the way back from Nazareth, an excellent driver. Thank you.