Excursion «18.3. Mysteries of the Judean Desert»

Вади Кельт
Вади Кельт Jericho
Class «Tourist class»
Type Group tour
Language Russian

The excursion includes:

  • Wadi Qelt (overview from a viewpoint) - a true oasis amidst the mountain landscapes, located in the dry riverbed of a huge stream. Several important Christian and Jewish sanctuaries are located there.
  • Panoramic view of the Monastery of St. George of Choziba, situated on sheer cliffs in Wadi Qelt.
  • Panoramic view of the Monastery of St. Gerasimos of the Jordan - known as an oasis in the Jordan Valley, as it features a tropical garden. The name of St. Gerasimos is known from the Bible, which tells a touching story of a man's friendship with a lion that died on his tomb after the saint's passing.
  • Qasr el Yahud. The holiest waters of both Western and Eastern Christianity, where Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist. Optionally, you can partake in a baptismal ritual in the Jordan River.

Additionally, upon request, we can visit Qumran (entrance fee of 29₪) - an Israeli national park. On the hill to the north of Qumran, the ruins of ancient settlements, called Khirbet Qumran, are located. Qumran is famous as the place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 11 caves. The Dead Sea Scrolls were first found in clay jars by a Bedouin shepherd in 1947.


Entrance tickets to "Qumran" 29 are paid additionally on a spot, entrance is optional.

Departure days

Departure days depend on your departure city


Conditions for canceling an order:
If a tourist cancels an excursion in less than 3 days, there will be a 100% penalty unless "Cancellation Insurance" is purchased.
Money will be returned only subject to availability " Non-departure insurance."


  • People who are late and do not go on the excursion will not receive a refund.
  • The company is not responsible for lost items.
  • Requests for excursions for children under 5 years old are not accepted.
  • Responsibility for having an individual insurance policy falls on the tourist.
  • Tourists may wait up to 30 minutes for the bus.
  • Minor changes to the route are possible.
  • The company reserves the right to change the departure time for the excursion, which is communicated to the tourist the day before.
  • The company does not sell excursions indicating seats on the bus.
  • The excursion begins after a sanitary stop, and before that there is a transfer before the start of the excursion.
  • Physical activity level: 3/5

We recommend: take drinking water, a hat, sunglasses, and comfortable shoes with you on the excursion.

The price of the trip does not include and is paid on the spot: Entrance tickets to Qumran 29₪ (entry optional), meals.


Qasr al-Yahud

Qasr al-Yahud is located in the Jordan Valley, not far from the confluence of the Jordan into the Dead Sea. According to the New Testament, this is the place where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. It is considered the true place of Baptism.

Wadi Kelt Gorge

Wadi Qelt is a dried-up riverbed that runs from west to east through the Judean Desert on the West Bank, starting near Jerusalem and ending near Jericho, not far from the Dead Sea. It spans a length of 45 km.

In ancient times, the road along Wadi Qelt served as the main route from Jerusalem to Jericho. Nowadays, Wadi Qelt is primarily visited by tourists and pilgrims who wish to explore the monasteries of the Judean Desert.

Monastery of St. George Khozevita

The Orthodox Monastery of St. George is one of the oldest monasteries in the world. It is located in the lower part of the Wadi Qelt Valley in the Judean Desert, within the Palestinian Authority territory, about 5 km from Jericho.

The monastery buildings, with ancient churches, chapels, and gardens from the 6th century, cling to the almost sheer cliffs like swallows' nests. Several Greek monks still reside in them.

Feedback (1)

Date of excursion: 31.08.2019
, Richon Le Zion,

Огромное спасибо гиду Славе Спектору за замечательную и содержательную экскурсию по Вади Кельт, Касп Аль Яхуд и монастырю св. Герасима. Слава очень обаятельный и эрудированный гид. Отдельно большое спасибо за обзорку вокруг Старого Иерусалима и площадку на Елеонской горе. Отдельно пожелание для офиса: пожалуйста, при обзвоне группы не забывайте сообщать туристам о том, что мужчинам в шортах в Вади Кельт нельзя. Из-за этого, попасть в сам монастырь мне и ещё одному туристу не удалось.

Many thanks to guide Slava Spektor for a wonderful and informative tour of Wadi Qelt, Casp Al Yahud and the monastery of St. Gerasima. Slava is a very charming and erudite guide. Special thanks for the overview around Old Jerusalem and the site on the Mount of Olives. A special request for the office: please, when calling the group, do not forget to inform tourists that men in shorts are not allowed in Wadi Qelt. Because of this, I and another tourist were unable to get into the monastery itself.