Excursion «505. Jerusalem Easter»

Пасха Куличи Свечи
Class «Tourist class»
Type Group tour
Language Russian
Visited 9 667 people

Праздник Воскресения Христова главный в христианском календаре. Каждый год верующие всего мира затаив дыхание следят за священнодействием, происходящим в Храме Гроба Господня – схождением Благодатного Огня. Считается, год, когда чуда не случится, будет последним в истории человечества. Поэтому так велика радость от того, что благословенный огонь спускается с небес на землю.
Мы предлагаем вам увидеть чудо в непосредственной близости. Во время экскурсии «Иерусалим пасхальный» вы сможете получить частицу Благодатного Огня и приобщиться к одной из самых главных христианских святынь.

В программе экскурсии:
- Масличная гора
- Храм Марии Магдалины - возможность освящения кулечей. (Их можно приобрести на месте)
- Спасо-Вознесенский Собор (опционально)
- Стена Плача
- Опаление свечей благодатным огнём у Храма Гроба Господня.

Пасха в Иерусалиме – событие, которое стоит пережить хотя бы раз в жизни.


Entry to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is not guaranteed!

Departure days

Departure days depend on your departure city


Conditions for canceling an order:
If a tourist cancels an excursion in less than 3 days, the penalty is 100%, unless “Cancellation Insurance” is purchased.
Money is returned only if availability of "Insurance against non-departure".


  • People who are late and do not go on the excursion will not receive a refund.
  • The company is not responsible for lost items.
  • Requests for excursions for children under 5 years old are not accepted
  • Responsibility for having an insurance policy falls on the tourist.
  • Waiting up to 30 minutes is possible.
  • Minor changes to the route are possible.
  • The excursion program includes time for lunch.
  • Visiting holy places is permitted only in modest clothing (shoulders and knees must be covered).
  • Visiting Edicule is not guaranteed.
  • Visiting holy places is permitted only in modest clothing (shoulders and knees must be covered).
    We are not present at the Descent of the Holy Fire.
  • Physical activity level: 4/5

We recommend: take drinking water, a hat, sunscreen, and comfortable shoes with you on the excursion.

The cost of trips does not include and is paid on the spot: meals, unless purchased additionally.


Church of Mary Magdalene

Among the dense and luxuriant vegetation of Gethsemane  the Orthodox church of Mary Magdalene stands majestically.  It is made in the true Russian style. 
One Throne Church Mary Magdalene was erected at the end of the nineteenth century by order of Alexander III. The emperor gave the order to build a temple in memory of his mother - Empress Maria Alexandrovna. A few years after the construction of the temple was consecrated - during the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia.
As a result of excavations by archaeologists, parts of structures wgich was mentioned more than once in the Bible were discovered in the temple.
The church has seven domes, inside is lined with snow-white marble, and its walls are painted with brushes by famous artists, including Sergey Ivanov and Vasily Vereshchagin.

Mount of Olives

There are  a lot of biblical events associated with this place. Jesus Christ preached on Mount of Olives.  Moreover, at that place he foresaw the future of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple, prayed in the olive grove of Gethsemane, was arrested due to the betrayal of one of his apostles - Judah. Also, in ancient times, the prophet Zechariah made a prediction about the end of the world. According to that predicition, Mount of Olives will split into two parts, and then the resurrection of the dead will begin. On the western slope of the mountain is a Jewish cemetery, where the son of King David Absalom was once buried, and now prominent statesmen of Israel are buried there.

Wailing Wal

The Western Wall or the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem is the wall preserved after the destruction of the First and Second Temples of the Jews. The Arabs, who saw how the Jews grieve over the destruction of the temple, called this place the Wailing Wall. Currently, there is a tradition: when you standing at the front of  Wailing Wall you can  make the most secret dreams. You can also put a note between the stones of the Wall with a cherished desire, which will certainly come true. When you are planning to visit the Wailing Wall, it should be remembered that this is possible only in modest clothing that covers the knees and shoulders.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Church of the Holy Sepulcher (Church of the Resurrection) - the main shrine and place of pilgrimage for all Christians around the world.  It is the place of the convergence of the Holy Fire, were Jesus Christ was crucified,  buried and resurrected. 

Ascension Monastery

Russian Orthodox Ascension Monastery stands on the Mount of Olives.
At the entrance to the Church of the Ascension, you can see the most important shrine of this place - the stone of the Virgin (it is believed that standing on it  Virgin watched the Ascension of the Lord).
Located in the monastery, the bell tower of John the Baptist (sixty-four meters in height) has an observation deck. Climbing up the many steps to the top of the bell tower, the gaze offers a breathtaking view of Jerusalem. This bell tower is the highest point of the Mount of Olives. Back in the twentieth century, archaeologists during excavations in the monastery discovered mosaics, various utensils, as well as a bust of Herod the Great. The monastery is interesting for tourists as a historical, religious and archaeological site.

Mountain Zion

Mount Zion

One of the most sacred places for the Jews. As in ancient times, now Zion is not just a mountain - it is a symbol of the house.

Once on this hill, located in the southwestern part of Jerusalem, there was a fortress. King David captured it when the city was conquered. Now there is part of the wall that separates the Old City.


Jerusalem is not only the capital of modern Israel, but also a city which, for many centuries, has been the "center of the world" for Jews, Christians and Muslims.

No other city on the planet can  compare with it, because only Jerusalem has such a rich spiritual and historical attraction.

Feedback (1)

Date of excursion: 15.04.2023
, Gercilia,

Экскурсия не оправдала ожидания. Приехав в монастырь, всего лишь на 40 минут, чтобы осветить куличи, гид Станислав не дождался полного состава автобуса и уехал, оставив 15 человек. Добирались мы сами до своей группы, связавшись с агентством, в котором нам только хамили и орали! Сервиса ноль! Зато останавливались в лавке на 1,5 часа, в которой все в 5 раз дороже, видимо это выгодно гиду. А то, что туристы должны быть удовлетворены экскурсией и сервисом, в этой компании видимо не в приоритете! НЕ СОВЕТУЮ ЭТО АГЕНСТВО! И гида тоже!

The excursion did not live up to expectations. Having arrived at the monastery for only 40 minutes to light the Easter cakes, the guide Stanislav did not wait for the bus to be full and left, leaving 15 people. We got to our group ourselves by contacting an agency where we were only rude and yelled at! Zero service! But we stopped at a shop for 1.5 hours, where everything was 5 times more expensive, apparently this was beneficial to the guide. And the fact that tourists should be satisfied with the excursion and service is apparently not a priority for this company! I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS AGENCY! And the guide too!

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from 146₪ to 455₪ *depends on city and date